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Y Ty Gwyrdd

Better Futures Wales lottery funded project launched/Lansio prosiect Dyfodol Gwell Cymru a gyllidir

WCVA recently received £45,790 from The National Lottery Emerging Futures Fund to run the Better Future Wales Community Foresight project across Wales.

WCVA will be working with the School of International Futures to deliver this project.

The project will build on recent work in which diverse voluntary and community groups have engaged in discussions about how we can shape a positive future in the wake of Covid-19. The project is supported by the Better Futures Wales steering group which is made up of voluntary sector leaders from across Wales.

The project will work with two communities of place and one of young people.

The first community of place is Denbigh/Ruthin in Denbighshire where the team will be working with three community groups; Resource CIC (an organisation who redirect items from landfill and promote the circular economy), Drosi Bikes (an organisation supporting active travel) and Y Ty Gwyrdd (a planned community hub with zero waste shop and community workshops).


Cafodd CGGC £45,790 gan Gronfa Datblygu’r Dyfodol y Loteri Genedlaethol yn ddiweddar i redeg prosiect Rhagolwg Cymunedol Dyfodol Gwell Cymru ledled Cymru.

Bydd CGGC yn gweithio gyda’r Ysgol Dyfodol Rhyngwladol i gyflenwi’r prosiect hwn.

Bydd y prosiect yn adeiladu ar waith diweddar, lle y mae grwpiau gwirfoddol a chymunedol amrywiol wedi cymryd rhan mewn trafodaethau ar sut gallwn ni lunio dyfodol cadarnhaol yn sgil Covid-19. Cefnogir y prosiect gan grŵp llywio Dyfodol Gwell Cymru sy’n cynnwys arweinwyr y sector gwirfoddol o bob rhan o Gymru.

Bydd y prosiect yn gweithio gyda dwy gymuned le ac un gymuned pobl ifanc.

Y gymuned le gyntaf yw Dinbych/Rhuthun yn Sir Ddinbych, ble bydd y tîm yn gweithio gyda thri grŵp cymunedol; Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol ‘Resource’ (mudiad sy’n ailgyfeirio eitemau o safleoedd tirlenwi ac yn hyrwyddo’r economi gylchol), ‘Drosi Bikes’ (mudiad sy’n cefnogi teithio llesol) a’r Tŷ Gwyrdd (canolfan gymunedol sydd â siop ddiwastraff a gweithdai cymunedol).

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