Y Tŷ Gwyrdd Share Offer

Share Offer Update
Our first share offer is now closed. It’s been a lovely first couple of weeks. Thank you for all the support and encouragement we’ve received. We’re delighted to have welcomed 52 shareholders and raised £6,425!
This is an invitation for you to become a shareholder of Y Tŷ Gwyrdd, to be involved in developing this collaborative community facility in Denbigh to deliver what you need and want in your town.
Join us to support and be a part of this exciting new enterprise.
Funds raised from this share offer will be used to help secure significant grant funding available for the acquisition and development of permanent community-owned premises, aiming to help regenerate the town centre, celebrate and promote local community, provide real living wage employment and volunteer opportunities, and collectively support a more sustainable environment for us and future generations.
Help us to achieve a collective vision ~ inspiring change to support a sustainable future.
The share offer will run throughout May starting on Saturday 1st May and ending on Wednesday 30th June.
Minimum investment is £30.
Find out more information here.
The Community Shares Standard Mark is awarded by the Community Shares Unit to offers that meet national standards of good practice.
For more information about community shares, the Community Shares Standard Mark and the Community Shares Unit go to: https://www.uk.coop/start-new-co-op/support/community-shares/standards
FCA registration # 8412 | Governing document can be found here https://mutuals.fca.org.uk/Search/Society/30683